Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Summertime Cooking Blues

It’s hot here. I mean really hot. Like record-breaking hot. With the mercury straining towards (and possibly passing) 100 degrees, even Seattle’s die-hard outdoorsman are ditching the outdoor activities and seeking air conditioning. Restaurants without AC are struggling to keep patrons satisfied and movie theaters, malls and arcades are seeing more foot traffic. 

In 100 degree stagnant air (keep in mind that very few houses in Seattle have air conditioning since it’s only like this one—possibly two—weeks out of the year), not many people want to heat up the oven or even stand outside in front of a grill. So, salads it is! 

The other day I was actually craving Greek salad. Not the lettuce Greek Salad, but the kind that just consists of big hunks of cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion and feta. I went searching for a dressing recipe and found one that I took the general ingredients and whipped it up with a few changes. So, what you see here is actually an original recipe, albeit adapted from another recipe.

So, here it is. I wasn’t really measuring, more just eyeballin’ it, so sorry there aren’t any exact measurements … just what tasted good with what I had. 


Summer Greek Salad 


½ pound small potatoes (I used Dutch Butter, but fingerlings or red would work fine)

3 large tomatoes 

2 Cucumbers

½ medium Red Onion

1 pound green beans

¾ cup crumbled feta cheese

½ pound Greek Olives (I did a mix of Kalamata and green)


(Again, no measurements, just what tasted good)

Equal parts Olive oil and Red Wine Vinegar

Lemon Juice

Dry Oregano (not too much, it can be overpowering)

Salt and Pepper

Quarter the potatoes into bite size pieces and boil until a fork inserts smoothly. While potatoes are boiling, chop tomatoes, cucumbers and red onion. These should be big bite size pieces. Combine in a large bowl. Stem and halve the green beans. Steam in microwave safe bowl for about 45 seconds (they should still be crunchy). Add to the large bowl. Add the feta and olives to the bowl as well. 

For the dressing, combine all ingredients in a small bowl (I ended up with about a cup total of dressing.) 

When the potatoes are done, strain and let cool for a few minutes. When they are slightly cooled, add to the rest of the salad. 

I served this with Pita bread (great for dunking in the dressing!). 

A great summer time meal that’s little effort!


3 Tomatoes: $1.34

Red Onion: $0.46

Green Beans: $0.98

Dutch Butter Potatoes: $0.98

Greek Olive Mix: $3.75

2 Cucumbers: $0.96

Feta: $1.99

Olive Oil: $0.75

Red Wine Vinegar: $0.50

Lemon Juice: $0.30

Total: $12.01 / 6 large portions: $2.00/serving

(could be even cheaper if you use canned black olives, or if you leave the olives out all together)


  1. Even cheaper if I use tomatoes, Cucumbers and green beans from my garden! Looks like a yummy recipe!! The other day I had a salad and added some red grapes, gave it some sweetness and crunch. Yummy!

  2. looks like you are now having some "fall cooking blues"!?!? :)
